Words and Proper Names


de Bhaldraithe (Tomás): Nótaí ar fhocail.
In Éigse 29 (1996), pp. 51–55.
1. conús [also conuas, conas, both < canós]; 2. froisín [< fras + ín]; 3. priompallán [also pr(o)impeallán, prompalán < Engl ‘bumble’ (= ‘bumblebee’; prombarlán, plumbarlán, primpearlán, plimpearlán, prumparlán < Engl ‘bumbler’ (= ‘bumblebee’); variants with tr(i)omp-, trump-, treamp- influenced by trompa ‘jew’s harp’; ‘etymological’ spelling proimpsheilleán derives from W. Shaw’s form priompsheillain]; 4. rumpall [< Engl ‘rumble’; cf. ‘etymological’ spelling rumptholl]; 5. *alfat ‘a cause’ [an error traceable to E. Lhuyd (1707), who copied two consecutive words (al, fáth) in R. Plunkett’s dictionary (1662) as one word; gives rise to other variants: alfad, álfath, alfáth]; 6. *alfhalach ‘hide’ [an error traceable to E. Lhuyd (1707) for a bhfalach in R. Plunkett’s dictionary (1662); gives rise to alfalach ‘thoroughly hid’].