Words and Proper Names

faex (Lat.)

de Bhaldraithe (Tomás): Varia: V. 1. PCT: Trí nóta.
In Ériu 33 (1982), pp. 172–173.
1. Forleitheadas: Plunkett glosses Lat. faex as ‘Clann Thomáis Mhic Lóbais’; 2. sladuighe satha: vs. N. J. A. Williams, PCT, p. 151 n. 936: should be translated as ‘hive-robber, drone’ (cf. ladrann saithe); 3. ruisín vs. N. J. A. Williams, PCT 188 s.v.: refers to ‘lunch, etc.'; cf. T. de Bhaldraithe, in Ériu 31 (1980), pp. 169-171.