Words and Proper Names


Carey (John): Fir Bolg: a native etymology revisited.
In CMCS 16 (Winter, 1988), pp. 77–83.
Rejects T. F. O’Rahilly’ explanation, in Early Irish history and mythology (BILL 482), pp. 43-57.
Hamp (Eric P.): Bouges, Boug(e)y, Bolg, Blatobulgium.
In ZCP 44 (1991), pp. 67–69.
OIr. bolg ‘bag’ < IE *bhólǵho-s, OIr. Bolg ‘swelling, angry’ < IE *bholǵhó-s; derives all < IE *bhelǵh- ‘swell’.
Hamp (Eric P.): Varia: 49. The morphology of Celtic *-sk- adjectives: 5. The root *bhelǵh- in Celtic.
In ÉtC 27 (1990), pp. 188–189.
OIr. balc, bolg.
Hamp (Eric P.): Varia: II. 1. bolg ‘gap’.
In Ériu 40 (1989), p. 181.
vs. T. F. O’Rahilly, in Ériu 13 (1942), pp. 163-166. Argues that bolg ‘gap’ derives from *bolcc [-k] and concludes that blog and belach are not related.