Authors and Textual Sources

Ymnum sancti Patricii magister Scottorum

Malaspina (Elena) (ed.): Gli scritti di san Patrizio : alle origini del cristianesimo Irlandese / a cura di Elena Malaspina.
CCA-Testi. Roma: Borla, 1985. 199 pp. (Cultura cristiana antica; testi).
Italian translation of St. Patrick’s Confessio and Epistula ad milites Corotici; with discussion.

In appendices: 1. Scritti patriciani di dubbia autenticità e testi agiografici [Dicta Patricii; De epistolis ad espiscopos in campo Aii; Ymnum sancti Patricii magister Scottorum; Liber angeli; Epigramma Cellani]. 2. Testi latini.

Rev. by
R. P. C. Hanson, in Peritia 5 (1986), pp. 419-422.
E. A. Thompson, in Peritia 6-7 (1987-1988), pp. 334-336.

Young, Matthew (†1800)

O’Sullivan (William): The Irish manuscripts in case H in Trinity College Dublin catalogued by Matthew Young in 1781.
In Celtica 11 (1976), pp. 229–250.
Incl. two apps. App. A: Catalogue of the Irish MSS in the Library of TCD 1781 made by Matthew Young (†1800); App. B: MSS likely to have been in the Library in 1781, although not included in Young’s catalogue.

Ystorya Daret

Poppe (Erich): Personal names and an insular tradition of Pseudo-Dares.
In Ériu 53 (2003), pp. 53–59.
Suggests that Togail Troí (Recension II) and Ystorya Daret (Recension Ia) are closely related, and are indicative of a complex Insular transmission of Latin texts of the De excidio Troiae historia.