CNRS Éditions
Rev. by
Pádraig A. Breatnach, in Éigse 24 (1990), pp. 200-201.
Liam Mac Mathúna, in StH 25 (1990), pp. 208-209.
Brian Ó Cuív, in Celtica 19 (1987), pp. 201-204.
Karl Horst Schmidt, in ZCP 43 (1989), pp. 310-312.
Hamp (Eric P.): Varia: 25. Notes on word formation: 2. Irish brecc, Welsh brych.
In ÉtC 23 (1986), pp. 47–51.
Derives OIr. mrecht (later brecht) from a PIE participial *-ko- formation, against H. Lewis and H. Pedersen, CCCG, p. 53.

Hamp (Eric P.): Varia: 25. Notes on word formation: 3. Irish gu(s) ‘to choose’.
In ÉtC 23 (1986), pp. 48–49.
Comments on the nominal formations from this verbal stem.

Hamp (Eric P.): Varia: 25. Notes on word formation: 4. orc in Irish.
In ÉtC 23 (1986), pp. 49–50.
On the homonyms of orc and erc.

Pennaod (Goulven): La désignation de “l’année” en celtique.
In ÉtC 23 (1986), pp. 53–56.
Discusses OIr. blíadain.

Lindeman (Fredrik Otto): Notes de linguistique celtique: 1. Vieil-irlandais -ánaic “est allé''.
In ÉtC 23 (1986), p. 57.
On the origin of the deponent inflection found in the singular preterite.

Lindeman (Fredrik Otto): Notes de linguistique celtique: 2. Addendum ad Études Celtiques XV 495ff.
In ÉtC 23 (1986), pp. 58–62.

Fleuriot (Léon): Brittonica et Gallica: 15. Ancien irlandais bíathad “nourriture due” (food supply), breton ancien boit gloedic, boet march, bouet bestout, gallois moyen dawnbwyd.
In ÉtC 23 (1986), p. 72.

Lambert (Pierre-Yves): Les gloses celtiques aux commentaires de Virgile.
In ÉtC 23 (1986), pp. 81–128.
1. ECLOGA dans le Glossaire de Cormac [gloss. elada]. 3. Les gloses irlandaises à Philargyrius [Explanatio A and B (cf. Thes. II, pp. 46-48 and 360-363), edited from MSS Paris, BNF Latin 11308 and Latin 7960, and MS Firenze, Laurentian Pluteus 45, 14; with commentary].

Addendum in ÉtC 24 (1987), pp. 327-328.

Watson (Alden): A structural analysis of Echtra Nerai.
In ÉtC 23 (1986), pp. 129–142.

Trindade (W. Ann): Irish Gormlaith as a sovereignty figure.
In ÉtC 23 (1986), pp. 143–156.

Breatnach (Pádraig A.): Un poème d’écho en irlandais moderne.
In ÉtC 23 (1986), pp. 157–162.
Ci nach ccanair dhamh (12 qq.). Text from TCD H 5. 3; with French translation.