Bracken (Damian) (ed.), Ó Riain-Raedel (Dagmar) (ed.): Ireland and Europe in the twelfth century: reform and renewal / Damian Bracken & Dagmar Ó Riain-Raedel,editors.
Dublin: Four Courts, 2006. 280 pp.
Papers from a conference held in Cork and Cashel, 2001.

Rev. by
Marie Therese Flanagan, in CMCS 55 (Summer, 2008), pp. 82-85.
Jenifer Ní Ghrádaigh, in JRSAI 136 (2006), pp. 196-197.


Candon (Anthony): Power, politics and polygamy: women and marriage in late pre-Norman Ireland.
In Ireland and Europe in the 12th cent. (2006), pp. 106–127.

Holland (Martin): Were early Irish church establishments under lay control?
In Ireland and Europe in the 12th cent. (2006), pp. 128–142.

Ní Mhaonaigh (Máire): Pagans and holy men: literary manifestations of twelfth-century reform.
In Ireland and Europe in the 12th cent. (2006), pp. 143–161.

Ó Riain-Raedel (Dagmar): Cashel and Germany: the documentary evidence.
In Ireland and Europe in the 12th cent. (2006), pp. 176–217.

Scully (Diarmuid): Ireland and the Irish in Bernard of Clairvaux’s Life of Malachy: representation and context.
In Ireland and Europe in the 12th cent. (2006), pp. 239–256.