Billington (Sandra), Green (Miranda) (ed.): The concept of the goddess / edited by Sandra Billington and Miranda Green.
London and New York: , 1996. xiv + 192 pp.
Rev. by
Lisa M. Bitel, in Journal of women’s history 10/3 (Autumn, 1998), pp. 192-203.
Herbert (Máire): Transmutations of an Irish goddess.
In The concept of the goddess (1996), pp. 141–151.
Surveys the evidence of Irish literary texts for female divinities associated with warfare and death (specifically the Mórrígan, Badb and Macha triad).

Lysaght (Patricia): Aspects of the earth-goddess in the traditions of the banshee in Ireland.
In The concept of the goddess (1996), pp. 152–165.