Bibliography — Classification Index

G 02: Ulster Cycle: Aided Conchobair

Corthals (Johan): The retoiric in Aided Chonchobuir.
In Ériu 40 (1989), pp. 41–59.
Poem beg. Ba haprainn nan dáil cu Artrig n-arnac, ed. with transl. and notes from MSS RIA 23 N 10 and LL. Incl. discussion of metre, style and ling. dating.
Imhoff (Helen): The different versions of Aided Chonchobair.
In Ériu 62 (2012), pp. 43–99.
Examines the mutual relationship of all the extant manuscript witnesses (Book of Leinster; RIA 23 N 10, 23 O 48, C i 2 and D iv 2; NLS 72.1.5 and 72.1.40; Laud Misc. 610).
Clancy (Thomas Owen): Lethal weapon/means of grace: Mess-Gegra’s brain in The death of Conchobor.
In Æstel 4 (1996), pp. 87–115.