Bibliography — Classification Index

K 2.4: Christianity: Hagiography and hagiology: Mariology

O’Dwyer (Peter): Mary in early Irish tradition.
In ArH 41 (1986), pp. 72–82.
Weeda (Peter): The Irish, the Virgin Mary and Proclus of Constantinople.
In Peritia 22–23 (2011–2012), pp. 83–106.
Analyses a group of five attributes of Mary found in four Old Irish texts: Stowe tract on the Mass, Cáin Adomnáin, Cú Chuimne’s Hymnum in laudem S. Mariae, Blathmac’s poems.
Ryan (Salvador): ‘A gentle doe from the best of the herd’: the Virgin Mary as intercessor in the late medieval and early modern Irish tradition.
In Words and matter (2015), pp. 104–116.
Innes (Sìm): Is eagal liom lá na hagra: devotion to the Virgin in the later medieval Gàidhealtachd.
O’Carroll (Michael): Our Lady in early medieval Ireland.
In Seanchas [Fs. Byrne] (2000), pp. 178–181.
Breeze (Andrew): The Virgin Mary and medieval Ireland.
In Scripta de Maria (2ª ser.) 13 (2016), pp. 267–279.
O’Dwyer (Peter): Devotion to Mary in Ireland, 700-1100.
Dublin: Carmelite Publications, 1976. 49 pp.