Wagner (Heinrich Hans)

(1923 – 1988)

Wagner (Heinrich): Linguistic atlas and survey of Irish dialects.
Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1958–1969.
4 vols. [= BILL 3547].

Rev. by
Wolfgang Meid, in IF 76 (1971), pp. 316-317 (3-4).
Seosamh Watson, in StH 12 (1972), pp. 179-183 (4).
Wagner (Heinrich): Studies in the origins of the Celts and of early Celtic civilisation.
Belfast; Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1971. 108 pp.
[= BILL 8844.]

Rev. by
Rolf Ködderitzdch, in ZCP 33 (1974), pp. 314-319.
Erich Neu, in IF 79 (1974), pp. 319-325.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge in Erinnerung an Julius Pokorny: 1. Die keltische Praeposition ir. co, kymr. py ‘zu’.
In ZCP 32 (1972), pp. 1–3.
Argues that coh displaced ad and assumed the latter’s grammatical properties.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge in Erinnerung an Julius Pokorny: 2. Zur irischen Konjunktion co, co n- ‘so daß, bis (daß)'.
In ZCP 32 (1972), pp. 3–13.
Finds a syntactic parallel of the Old Irish explicative nasalizing relative in Basque.

Repr. in Ausgewählte Beiträge zur typologischen Sprachgeographie, pp. 125-134.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge in Erinnerung an Julius Pokorny: 3. Zu alt- und mittelir. co-cúala, con-acca ‘hörte, sah’;.
In ZCP 32 (1972), pp. 13–18.
Argues that the prefix co n- in these forms is, originally at least, a lexical particle, and not a connective devoid of meaning.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge in Erinnerung an Julius Pokorny: 4. Das negative altir. Präverb nícon ‘non’.
In ZCP 32 (1972), pp. 18–35.
Identifies its original syntactical usage and argues (with R. Thurneysen, GOI §861, vs. D. Greene, in Ériu 21 (1969), pp. 90-92) that it contains the consecutive conjunction co.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge in Erinnerung an Julius Pokorny: 5. Das altirische Verbalpräfix nu/no.
In ZCP 32 (1972), pp. 35–59.
Criticises the doctrine that links Old Irish preverbs no-, to/do- with the Hittite ‘sentence connectives’ and proposes alternative etymologies based on their Basque and Amazigh typological parallels, among others.

Repr. in Ausgewählte Beiträge zur typologischen Sprachgeographie, pp. 134-155.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge in Erinnerung an Julius Pokorny: 10. Zur Etymologie von irisch ás, fás ‘wachsen’, und der Name der Osseten.
In ZCP 32 (1972), pp. 77–78.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge in Erinnerung an Julius Pokorny: 11. Zu irisch gruth ‘Quark’, engl. curds.
In ZCP 32 (1972), p. 79.
Rejects J. Pokorny’s etymology in IEW, p. 406 (s.v. *greut- ).
Wagner (H.): Beiträge in Erinnerung an Julius Pokorny: 12. OIr. mí sílta ‘the month of sowing’ (= Spring?).
In ZCP 32 (1972), p. 80.
Term for ‘spring(time)' occurring in Crı́th Gablach, lines 535 ff.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge in Erinnerung an Julius Pokorny: 13. Addendum zu Gúbretha Caratniad §39.
In ZCP 32 (1972), p. 81.
Welsh parallel to early Irish legal obligation for a woman to call for help if she is the victim of a rape attempt.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge in Erinnerung an Julius Pokorny: 15. Baskisch-Keltische Etymologien.
In ZCP 32 (1972), pp. 85–87.
OIr. sor, sar, sarachán; berbad, bruth; lágha, láighe.

Repr. in Ausgewählte Beiträge zur typologischen Sprachgeographie, pp. 165-167.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge in Erinnerung an Julius Pokorny: 16. Zu dem irischen Stammesnamen Luaigni/Luigni.
In ZCP 32 (1972), pp. 87–89.
Etym. of this ethnonym.

Repr. in Ausgewählte Beiträge zur typologischen Sprachgeographie, pp. 167-168.
Schmidt (Karl Horst): Zur pronominalen Differenzierung von Transitivum und Intransitivum im Altirischen.
In ZCP 32 (1972), pp. 90–95.
Remarks by H[einrich] W[agner] appended.
W. (H.) (app. auth.)
Wagner (H.): Zu ‘indogermanischen’ Wörtern für ‘Fluss’ bzw. ‘Wasser’.
In ZCP 33 (1974), pp. 1–5.
Discussion of words for ‘river’ and ‘water’ in Indo-European languages. Some discussion of Ir. aub, Monand, Manannán, mac lir, Min (gen. Mena; name of river in Co. Antrim).

Repr. in Ausgewählte Beiträge zur typologischen Sprachgeographie, pp. 169-173.
Wagner (H.): Der königliche Palast in keltischer Tradition.
In ZCP 33 (1974), pp. 6–14.
rígteg, rígthech, tegdas chumtachta, tech már, tech midchúarda.
Wagner (Heinrich): Julius Pokorny, 1887–1970.
In Lochlann 6 (1974), pp. 173–177.
O’Neill (J. E.): Irish texts from South West Donegal.
In ZCP 33 (1974), pp. 285–300; 34 (1975), pp. 223-318; 35 (1976), pp. 264-303.
23 texts from Teelin, Straleel, Meenacharvey and Glencolumbkille, with phonetic transcriptions, English translations and notes. Includes brief editorial note by H[einrich] W[agner].
Wagner (Heinrich) (ed.)
Wagner (H.): Studies in the origins of early Celtic traditions: 1. Water and wisdom.
In Ériu 26 (1975), pp. 1–26.
Discusses Manannán mac Lir and other related characters.
Wagner (H.): Studies in the origins of early Celtic traditions: 2. On the origins of the river-ordeal.
In Ériu 26 (1975), pp. 10–11.
Wagner (H.): Studies in the origins of early Celtic traditions: 3. On the origin of Celtic kurmi- ‘beer’ (Ir. cuirm, W. cwrw) and of Celtic kingship.
In Ériu 26 (1975), pp. 11–23.
Discusses the names Medb, Beltene, Ailill, Brigit.
Wagner (H.): Studies in the origins of early Celtic traditions: 4. An early Mesopotamian parallel to the cétmuinter for muin araile ‘a wife upon the neck of another’ in Old Irish Law.
In Ériu 26 (1975), pp. 23–24.
Wagner (H.): Studies in the origins of early Celtic traditions: 5. On OIr. urnaidm ‘betrothal’.
In Ériu 26 (1975), p. 24.
Wagner (H.): Studies in the origins of early Celtic traditions: 6. The theme of the divine king ‘with the long arm’.
In Ériu 26 (1975), pp. 24–25.
Discusses the terms lámh-fhata, rig-fhota.
Wagner (H.): Studies in the origins of early Celtic traditions: 7. Ir. Labraid.
In Ériu 26 (1975), pp. 25–26.
Wagner (H.): Studies in the origins of early Celtic traditions: 8. Ir. aitten-chaithreach ‘having gorse-like pubic hair’.
In Ériu 26 (1975), p. 26.
Wagner (Heinrich): Beiträge zur vergleichenden Erforschung des Irischen: 1. Eine Etymologie von Féni.
In Celtica 11 (1976), pp. 264–266.
Connects it with fén ‘chariot’.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge zur vergleichenden Erforschung des Irischen: 2. Zum Verbalpraefix ro-.
In Celtica 11 (1976), p. 266.
Further to the author, in ZCP 32 (1972), pp. 18-35. Compares OIr. ro- with OHG ga-.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge zur vergleichenden Erforschung des Irischen: 3. Neuir. thug sé a aghaidh ar…‘er ging nach…’.
In Celtica 11 (1976), pp. 266–267.
Finds a parallel in Ugaritic.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge zur vergleichenden Erforschung des Irischen: 4. Südir. chuaidh an teine i n-éag ‘das Feuer ging aus’.
In Celtica 11 (1976), p. 267.
Finds a parallel in Nubian.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge zur vergleichenden Erforschung des Irischen: 5. Altir. at-ballat a beóil ‘er stirbt’.
In Celtica 11 (1976), pp. 267–268.
Finds parallels in Ugaritic and in the Balkan Sprachbund.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge zur vergleichenden Erforschung des Irischen: 6. Zur Etymologie von ir. seangán ‘Ameise’.
In Celtica 11 (1976), p. 268.
Suggests it may be a substratum word, cf. Basque txingurri.
Wagner (H.): Beiträge zur vergleichenden Erforschung des Irischen: 7. Neuirisch gustal.
In Celtica 11 (1976), p. 269.
Argues it is a Welsh loan-word in Munster Irish (cf. Welsh equative cystal, lit. ‘of equal rank’).
Wagner (H.): Common problems concerning the early languages of the British Isles and the Iberian Peninsula.
In Actas 1 Col. sobre lenguas y culturas prerromanas de la Península Ibérica (1976), pp. 387–407.
Repr. in Ausgewählte Beiträge zur typologischen Sprachgeographie, pp. 175-197.
Wagner (H.): The archaic Dind Ríg poem and related problems.
In Ériu 28 (1977), pp. 1–16.
On the importance of the poem with regard to (a) the early historical and pseudo-historical traditions of the Leinstermen, (b) the study of archaic poetry and its syntax and style. Revised edition with literal translation. Beg. Dind Ríg rúad túaim tenbath.
Wagner (Heinrich): Wortstellung im Keltischen un Indogermanischen.
In Indogermanisch und Keltisch (1977), pp. 204–235.
Wagner (H.): Origins of pagan Irish religion.
In ZCP 38 (1981), pp. 1–28.
Explores the parallels between Northern (Celtic and Scandinavian) and Eastern (Mesopotamian and Ancient Mediterranean) religion and argues that Manannán mac Lir is the Irish counterpart of Sumerian En-Ki and Greek Poseidon.
Wagner (Heinrich): Near Eastern and African connections with the Celtic world.
In The Celtic consciousness (1982), pp. 51–67.
Repr. in Ausgewählte Beiträge zur typologischen Sprachgeographie, pp. 249-269.
Wagner (Heinrich): The name Eithne and the background of the tale Esnada tige Buchet.
In Topothesia [Fs. T. S. Ó Máille] (1982), pp. 65–71.
Wagner (H.): A syntactical feature of archaic Old Irish poetry.
In ZCP 39 (1982), pp. 78–82.
ad Caldron of Poesy, line 2 roní Dia dam a dūilib demrib (as ed. by P. L. Henry, StC 14-15 (1979–1980), pp. 114-128). Argues that in Early Old Irish a preposed genitive immediately following a preposition could be made to agree in case with its noun.
Wagner (H.): Old Irish -bria, subunctive of bronnaid ‘injures, damages, spoils, breaks’.
In ZCP 39 (1982), pp. 83–85.
Argues that OIr. -bria (GOI §610) is the ā-subjunctive of an old *brenaid < CC *brinati (cf. Skt. bhrı̄ṇāti ‘cuts up, crushes’).
Wagner (Heinrich): Studies in the history of the Gaelic dialects. Part I.
In ZCP 39 (1982), pp. 96–116.
Surveys the morphological variation of teach, gédh and obh/ubh across the Irish, Scottish and Manx dialects.
Wagner (Heinrich): David William Greene (1915–81).
In ZCP 39 (1982), pp. 271–271.
Greene (David William) (hon.)
Wagner (Heinrich): [The present state of] Irish.
In 6th ICCS, Galway 1979 (1983), pp. 107–112.
Mac Congáil (Nollaig), Wagner (Heinrich): Oral literature from Dunquin, Co. Kerry: Gaelic texts with phonetic transcription, English summaries and folkloristic note.
Studies in Irish language and literature, 6. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, 1983. vii + 428 pp.
Rev. by
A. J. Hughes, in Ainm 2 (1987), pp. 150-152.
L. P. Ó Murchú, in Éigse 24 (1990), pp. 171-175.
Diarmuid Ó Sé, in Celtica 17 (1985), pp. 159-162.
Karl Horst Schmidt, in ZCP 41 (1986), pp. 333-334.
James Stewart, in Béaloideas 53 (1985), pp. 311-316.
Wagner (Heinrich): Iarfhocal ar agus cha sa Ghaeilge.
In Fs. de Bhaldraithe (1986), pp. 1–10.
Wagner (Heinrich): Zur Etymologie von keltisch Nodons, Ir. Nuadu, Kymr. Nudd/Lludd.
In ZCP 41 (1986), pp. 180–187.
Argues that Celt. *Neudont- is equivalent to Gmc. theonymic element (-)nauta- ‘fisher’ (literally ‘catcher’), cf. OSax. (Sax)nōt.
Wagner (Heinrich): Keltisch und das Problem der indogermanischen Gutturale.
In O-o-pe-ro-si [Fs. Risch] (1986), pp. 678–683.
Wagner (Heinrich): The Celtic invasions of Ireland and Great Britain: facts and theories.
In ZCP 42 (1987), pp. 1–40.
Argues against a pre-Insular Celtic division of Goidelic and Brythonic, and suggests that Celtic was brought to Britain and Ireland by a tribe that had been exposed to the influence of North-Western Germanic. Appendix contains a collection of possible Celto-Germanic isoglosses: 1. Loss of the Indo-European reflexive pronoun; 2. Irish comparative forms ending in ā; 3. The 2nd sg. of the Old Irish and Welsh suffixless preterite; 4. Notes on verbal prefixes; 5. The Welsh relative particle a.
Greene (David) (hon.)
McGonagle (Noel), Wagner (Heinrich): Phonetische Texte aus Dunquin, County Kerry (Punkt 20 des Linguistic atlas and survey of Irish dialects).
In ZCP 42 (1987), pp. 219–241.
Contains 15 texts with phonetic transcription recorded in situ from storytellers Peig Sayers and Máire Ruiséal. Complements Oral literature from Dunquin, County Kerry, ed. by H. Wagner and N. Mac Congail, Belfast 1983.

Continues in ZCP 44 (1991), 200-235.

McGonagle (Noel), Wagner (H.): Phonetische Texte aus Dunquin, County Kerry (Punkt 20 des Linguistic atlas and survey of Irish dialects.
In ZCP 44 (1991), pp. 200–235.
Continued from ZCP 42 (1987), 219-241.
McGonagle (N.), Wagner (H.): Téacsanna as Carna.
In ZCP 47 (1995), pp. 93–175.
13 Irish texts with phonetic transcription, English summaries and folkloristic notes.
Mac Mathúna (Séamus) (ed.), Ó Corráin (Ailbhe) (ed.): Miscellanea Celtica in memoriam Heinrich Wagner / edited by Seamus Mac Mathúna and Ailbhe Ó Corráin.
AUU-SCU, 2. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, 1997. 366 pp.
Rev. by
Donnchadh Ó Corráin, in Peritia 13 (1999), pp. 354-356.
Wagner (Heinrich) (hon.)
Wagner (Heinrich), Beneš (Brigit) (ed.), Fromherz (Uta) (ed.), Gröbli (Fredy) (ed.): Ausgewählte Beiträge zur typologischen Sprachgeographie = Selected essays to a geographic typology of languages / Heinrich Wagner; herausgegeben von Brigit Beneš, Uta Fromherz, Fredy Gröbli.
Bern, etc.: Peter Lang, 2002. ix + 389 pp.
pp. 379-389: H. W. (1923–188): a bibliography, comp. by Rolf Baumgarten.
Wagner (Heinrich) (hon.)