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Charles-Edwards, T.M.

Charles-Edward (T. M.): Wb. 28c14 and the ‘exclusive’ use of the equative in Old Irish.
In Ériu 22, 1971, pp. 188–9. (= Varia 4)
vs. W. Meid (in Fs. Pokorny, pp. 223ff).
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Charles-Edward (T. M.): The heir-apparent in Irish and Welsh law.
In Celtica 9, 1971, pp. 180–90.
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Charles-Edwards (T. M.): Some Celtic kinship terms.
In BBCS 24, 1972, (pt. 2, 1971), pp. 105–22.
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Charles-Edwards (T. M.): Welsh diffoddi, difa and Irish do-bádi and do-ba.
In BBCS 23, 1970, (pt. 3, 1969), pp. 210–3.
cf. pp. 213–7.
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Charles-Edwards (T. M.): The heir-apparent in Irish and Welsh law.
In Celtica 9, 1971, pp. 180–90.
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Charles-Edwards (T. M.): Wb. 28c14 and the ‘exclusive’ use of the equative in Old Irish.
In Ériu 22, 1971, pp. 188–9. (= Varia 4)
vs. W.Meid (in Fs. Pokorny, pp. 223ff). {3061}
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Charles-Edwards (T. M.): The heir-apparent in Irish and Welsh law.
In Celtica 9, 1971, pp. 180–90.
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Charles-Edwards (T. M.): Some Celtic kinship terms.
In BBCS 24, 1972, (pt. 2, 1971), pp. 105–22.
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