Reading List: 1 items

First Lines of Verse Index

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Mo rí-se rí nime náir

Mac Eoin (Gearóid S.) (ed.): A poem by Airbertach Mac Cosse.
In Ériu 20, 1966, pp. 112–39.
Fichi ríg—cia rím as ferr?, from MS Rawl. B. 502; Engl. transl. and notes. Its relationship to Saltair na rann.
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Knott (Eleanor) (comp.): An index to the proper names in Saltair na rann.
In Ériu 16, 1952, pp. 99–122.
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Murphy (Gerard) (ed.): Isam aithrech (febda fecht). By Óengus céile Dé.
In 5520 [EILyr.], (16. Prayer for forgiveness), pp. 36–9.
Ca. 987. From MS Rawl. B 502 (cf. SR, duan 151).
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Greene (David) & O’Connor (Frank) (eds. & trs.): [Saltair na rann].
In 5542 [Golden treasury], (27. Paradise revised), pp. 115–22.
cf. SR 1717–60, 1777–1804, 1813–24, 1829–52.
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Dillon (Myles) (ed.): Scél Saltrach na rann.
In Celtica 4, 1958, pp. 1–43.
Text from BUíM; with Engl. transl. Affiliation of the 6 prose versions.
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Mac Eoin (Gearóid S.): The date and authorship of Saltair na rann.
In ZCP 28, 1960/61, pp. 51–67.
SR was written by Airbertach Mac Cosse in the year 988.
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Heist (William W.): The Fifteen signs before Doomsday.
East Lansing: Michigan State College Press, 1952. vii + 231 pp.
Incl. text & transl. of Saltair na rann, cantos 153–62.
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Greene (David): The religious epic.
In 515 [Early Ir. poetry], pp. 73–84.
Espec. on Féilire Oengusso and Saltair na rann.
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