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First Lines of Verse Index

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Ard na [al. do] scéla a mheic na ccuach

Dobbs (M.): The site Carrickabraghy.
In UJA 10, 1947, pp. 63–5.
The Carraic Brachaide of the poem Ard do scéla a mic na cuach, ascr. to Flann mac Lonáin (Best2 1401), part of which is translated here; also on three other pl.ns. of the same poem.
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Dobbs (Margaret E.) (ed.): A poem ascribed to Flann mac Lonáin.
In Ériu 17, 1955, pp. 16–34.
Ard na scēla, a mheic na ccuach, 64 qq. (of which 55 are attrib. to Flann). Lament for Écnechán (†907, AU); based on MS R.I.A. B iv 2; Engl. transl., notes.
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