Breatnach (Liam): Canon law and secular law in early Ireland: the significance of Bretha nemed.
In Peritia 3 (1984), pp. 439–459.
Discusses Bretha nemed, dated to between 721 and 742, composed in Munster by three kinsmen: Forannán (a bishop), Máel Tuile (a poet) and Báethgalach hua Búirecháin (a judge). Incl. ed. with transl. of six verses of a poem beg. Aimirgin Glungeal tuir teand by Gilla in Choimded Ua Cormaic from RIA MS D ii 1 (Bk of Uí Mhaine). Old Irish version of Collectio Canonum Hibernensis Book XLII, chaps 1-4, ed. with translation and notes from Cotton Nero A 7. Some discussion of rosc and ‘Archaic Irish’.



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