Scott (B. G.) (ed.): Studies on early Ireland: essays in honour of M. V. Duignan / edited by B. G. Scott.
Belfast: Association of Young Irish Archaeologists, 1982. 144 pp.
Rev. by
Elizabeth Twohig, in JCHAS 88, nº 247 (1983), p. 136.
Duignan (Michael V.) (hon.)


Jope (E. M.): Michael Duignan and the study of Irish archaeology and history.

Binchy (D. A.): Brewing in eighth-century Ireland.
In Studies on early Ireland [Duignan essays] (1982), pp. 3–6.
ad Cáin aicillne §8 (as ed. by R. Thurneysen, in ZCP 14 (1923), pp. 336-394 [1. Das Unfrei-Lehen], etc.); particularly on the process of mashing (OIr. imdell).

Mac Niocaill (Gearóid): Investment in early Irish agriculture.
In Studies on early Ireland [Duignan essays] (1982), pp. 7–9.
An analysis of the functioning of base clientship.

Hamlin (Ann): Using mills on Sunday.
In Studies on early Ireland [Duignan essays] (1982), p. 11.
Concerns Epistil Ísu (as ed. by J. G. O’Keefe, in Ériu 2, (1905), pp. 189-214 [Cáin domnaig: 1. The epistle concerning Sunday]).

Mac Eoin (Gearóid): The early Irish vocabulary of mills and milling.
In Studies on early Ireland [Duignan essays] (1982), pp. 13–19.
Edits a passage on the eight parts of a mill from the tract De ceithri slichtaib athgabála, beg. Im ocht mbullu ara-fognat muilenn (CIH ii 374.19-20, etc.); with English translation, textual notes and a vocabulary list.

Mallory (J. P.): The sword of the Ulster cycle.
In Studies on early Ireland [Duignan essays] (1982), pp. 99–114.
On OIr. claideb, colg, etc. Based on linguistic and literary evidence.

Scott (B. G.): Some conflicts and correspondences of evidence in the study of Irish archaeology and language.
In Studies on early Ireland [Duignan essays] (1982), pp. 115–119.
1. Salt [OIr. salann, murluaithe]; 2. Metal sources, metalworkers, metalworking sites and metallulrgical processes; 3. Gold in early Irish language and archaeology [OIr. ór].

Wallace (Patrick F.): The origins of Dublin.
In Studies on early Ireland [Duignan essays] (1982), pp. 129–143.