Edel (Doris Rita)

Edel (Doris): Helden auf Freiersfüßen: Tochmarc Emire und Mal y kavas Kulhwch Olwen. Studien zur frühen inselkeltischen Erzähltradition.
Amsterdam; Oxford; New York: North Holland, 1980. 384 pp. (Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeling Letterkunde; Nieuwe reeks, 107).
Rev. by
Édouard Bachellery, in ÉtC 19 (1982), pp. 393-395.
Tomás Ó Cathasaigh, in Celtica 20 (1988), pp. 169-177.
Karl Horst Schmidt, in ZCP 39 (1982), pp. 310-311.
Vries-Edel (D. R. de): Máeláin muilchi.
In Peritia 1 (1982), pp. 297–298.
Argues that the use of máeláin muilchi in Tochmarc Emire is reminiscent of Lat. zizania in Vita prima sanctae Brigitae.
Edel (Doris): Geoffrey’s so-called animal symbolism and Insular Celtic tradition.
In StC 18–19 (1983–1984), pp. 96–109.
On the Insular Celtic background of Geoffrey’s employment of animal names as complimentary epithets.

Repr. in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 264-279.
Edel (Doris): The catalogues in Culhwch ac Olwen and Insular Celtic learning.
In BBCS 30/3-4 (Nov., 1983), pp. 253–267.
Repr. in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 248-263.
Edel (Doris): De vrouw in de Keltische cultuur.
In Middeleeuwers over vrouwen, dl. 2 (1985), pp. 37–52, 182-185.
Engl. transl. Women in Celtic culture, in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 35-50.
Edel (Doris): Antipoden, ankers en een wereld-onder-het-water.
In Tussentijds [Gerritsen studies] (1985), pp. 101–114, 339-342.
Engl. transl: Antipodes, anchors, and a world-under-the-water, in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 80-93.
Edel (Doris): Ierse achtergronden.
In De wereld van Sint Brandaan (1986), pp. 11–35.
Revised Engl. transl.: The Irish background of the legend of Brendan, in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 94-111.
Edel (Doris): Tussen mythe en werkelijkheid: koningin Medb van Connacht en haar beoordelaars, vroeger en nu.
In Vrouwen in oude culturen (1986), pp. 61–94.
Engl. transl.: Myth versus reality: Queen Medb of Connacht and her critics, ancient and modern, in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 153-176.
Edel (Doris): De Keltische traditie: de verkenning van de andere wereld.
In Visioenen (1986), pp. 98–121.
Engl. transl.: Sea-voyages and visions: the exploration of the Otherworld, in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 64-79.
Edel (Doris), Gerritsen (W. P.), Kreek (Mieke de): De wereld van Sint Brandaan.
Utrecht: HES, 1986. 132 pp.
Published on the occasion of the exhibition “St. Brendan, the Irish Odysseus” held, among others, at the Rijksmuseum Het Catharijneconvent, Utrecht, June-August 1986.
Edel (Doris): Gewone mensen in het oude Ierland.
In Gewone mensen in de Middeleeuwen (1987), pp. 50–68.
Engl. transl.: Common people in early Ireland, in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 51-63.
Edel (Doris): De plaats van Maartje Draak in de keltologie.
In Monniken, ridders en zeevaarders (1988), pp. 9–16.
[(In Dutch:) The place of M. D. in Celtic studies.]
Edel (Doris), Strien-Gerritsen (Leni van): Usque ad ultimum terrae: de kerstening van Ierland.
In Culturen in contact (1988), pp. 108–128.
Engl. transl. in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 112-120 (tr. omits section by L. v. S.-G.).
Edel (D. R.) (ed.), Gerritsen (W. P.) (ed.), Veelenturf (K.) (ed.): Monniken, ridders en zeevaarders: opstellen over vroeg-middeleeuwse Ierse cultuur en Middelnederlandse letterkunde / onder redactie van D. R. Edel, W. P. Gerritsen en K. Veelenturf, aangeboden aan Maartje Draak.
Amsterdam: Gerard Timmer Produkties, 1988. 184 pp.
pp. 169-184: Lijst van de geschriften van prof. dr. A. Maartje E. Draak [1934–1976], compiled by Marc Schneiders and Kees Veelenturf.

Rev. by
Rita Beyers, in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 46 (1990), pp. 548-549 (Rezension Nr. 1).
Jacqueline Borsje, in Mediaevistik 3 (1990), pp. 337-339.
Draak (Maartje) (hon.)
Edel (Doris): Die inselkeltische Erzähltradition zwischen Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit.
In Media and communication in early Irish literature (1989), pp. 99–124.
Engl. transl.: The Insular-Celtic narrative tradition between orality and literacy in The Celtic West and -Europe, pp. 177-196.
Edel (Doris): Tierherrvorstellungen in der frühen epischen Literatur Irlands.
In Mediaevistik 2 (1989), pp. 111–122.
Engl. transl.: The concept of the Lord of Animals in the early epic literature of Ireland, in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 197-207.
Edel (Doris): Kirche und Gesellschaft im angelsächsischen Britannien: Northumbrien und seine Nachbarn vor und nach 634/35.
In Willibrord, zijn wereld en zijn werk (1990), pp. 95–114.
Engl. transl.: Church and lay society in Anglo-Saxon Britain: Northumbria and its neighbours before and after 634/35 A. D., in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 137-152.
Edel (Doris): De kerstening van het vroegmiddeleeuwse Europa: Willibrord.
In Utrecht tussen kerk en staat (1991), pp. 31–50.
Engl. transl.: The Christianization of medieval Europe, in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 121-136.
Edel (Doris): Text and memory.
In Talks on text (1992), pp. 21–26.
Repr. in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 227-230.
Edel (Doris R.): Táin bó Cúailnge and the dynamics of the matter of Ulster.
In ÉtC 29 (1992), pp. 161–170.
Discusses the genesis and growth of the Táin.

Repr. in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 208-215.
Edel (Doris): Die Táin bó Cúailnge zwischen Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit: Prolegomena zu einer Geschichte ihrer Entwicklung.
In 1. Deutsches Keltologensymposium (1993), pp. 83–99.
Engl. transl.: The Táin bó Cúailnge between orality and literacy: prolegomena to a history of its development, in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 216-226.
Edel (Doris): Identiteit en integratie: Ierland en Europa in de vroege middeleeuwen.
Utrecht: Factulteit der Letteren, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1993. 36 pp.
Engl. transl.: Identity and integration: Ireland in the early Middle Ages, in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 19-34.
Edel (Doris) (ed.): Cultural identity and cultural integration: Ireland and Europe in the early Middle Ages / edited by Doris Edel.
Blackrock, Co. Dublin: Four Courts, 1995. 208 pp.
Rev. by
Thomas Owen Clancy, in Early medieval Europe 9/2 (Jul., 2000), pp. 262-263.
Edel (Doris): In memoriam Prof. Dr. Maartje Draak.
In ZCP 48 (1996), pp. 296–297.
Draak (Maartje) (hon.)
Edel (Doris): Caught between history and myth? The figures of Fergus and Medb in the Táin bó Cúailnge and related matter.
In ZCP 49–50 (1997), pp. 143–169.
Studies the evolution of the figures of Medb and Fergus through the various stages of revision of the Táin, focusing on the progressive marginalization in the narrative of their love triangle with Ailill.

Addendum in ZCP 51 (1999), p. 211.
Edel (Doris): Mental text, landscape, politics, and written codification: the Irish epic Táin bó Cúailnge.
In The epic (1998), pp. 163–179.
Repr. in The Celtic West and Europe, pp. 231-238.
Edel (Doris): The Celtic West and Europe: studies in Celtic literature and the early Irish church.
Dublin: Four Courts, 2001. 320 pp.
Rev. by
Dorothy Africa, in Speculum 78/1 (Jan., 2003), pp. 161-162.
Edel (Doris): Early Irish queens and royal power: a first reconnaisance.
In Ogma [Fs. Ní Chatháin] (2002), pp. 1–19.
Edel (Doris): Nineteenth-century national and gender determinism and the reception of early Irish literature.
In ÉI 27/2 (2002), pp. 161–179.
Edel (Doris): Stability and fluidity in the transmission of narrative texts: the delineation of characters in Táin bó Cúailnge.
In Texts and transmission (2002), pp. 313–325.
Edel (Doris): An emerging legal system in an embryonic state: the case of early medieval Ireland.
In The law’s beginnings (2003), pp. 59–76.
Edel (Doris): The status and development of the vernacular in early medieval Ireland.
Edel (Doris): ‘Bodily matters’ in early Irish narrative literature.
In ZCP 55 (2006), pp. 69–107.
Examines the depiction of sexual and excretory activities.
Edel (Doris): Charakterzeichnung in der Táin bó Cúailnge am Beispiel des exilierten Fergus.
In 4. Deutsches Keltologensymposium (2007), pp. 183–193.
Edel (Doris): The theme of incest in the older literature of Ireland.
In 13th ICCS, Bonn 2007 (2009), pp. 45–61.
Edel (Doris): Off the mainstream: a literature in search of its criteria.
In ZCP 58 (2011), pp. 23–44.
On the definition of ‘epic’ in the Irish context.
Edel (Doris): Cú Chulainn on the couch: character portrayal in Táin bó Cúailnge.
In Ulidia 3 (2013), pp. 127–136.
Edel (Doris): James Joyce and the demythologization of the Irish past.
In Lochlann [Fs. Rekdal] (2013), pp. 139–152.
On Joyce’s reception of early Irish literature.
Edel (Doris): Inside the Táin: exploring Cú Chulainn, Fergus, Ailill, and Medb.
Berlin: Curach Bhán, 2015. xi + 371 pp.
Rev. by
Kate Louise Mathis, in ZCP 64 (2017), pp. 459-468.
Ruairí Ó hUiginn, in CMCS 74 (Winter, 2017), pp. 107-109.
Gregory Toner, in Éigse 40 (2019), pp. 386-391.
Edel (Doris): Medb of Crúachain and the Empress Matilda: literature and politics in 12th-century Leinster.
In ZCP 64 (2017), pp. 19–58.
Elaborates on the proposition that the so-called “pillow talk” between Medb and Ailill in TBC–LL alluded to the succession conflict between the Empress Matilda and Stephen of Blois.
Edel (Doris): What did Ailill and Medb really quarrel about? A legal approach to the ‘Pillow talk’.
In ESCS 2 (2018), pp. 131–140.
Edel (Doris): Literature and empowerment: the sexual relationships in Acallam na senórach.
In ZCP 68 (2021), pp. 121–166.